Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah #3

Of the women who offered herself in marriage to Abdullah b. Abdul-Muttalib

Taking Abdullah by the hand Abdul-Muttalib went away and they passed- so it is alleged- a women of B. Asad who was the sister of Waraqa b. Naufal who was at the Ka'ba. When she looked at him she asked, 'Where are you going Abdullah?' He replied, 'With my father.' She said, 'If you will take me you can have as many camels as were sacrificed in your stead.' 'I am with my father and I cannot act against his wishes and leave him', he replied.

'Abdul-Muttalib brought him to Wahb b. Abdul Manaf who was the leading man of B. Zuhra in birth and honour, and he married him to his daughter Amina, she being the most excellent woman among the Quraysh in birth and position at that time.

It is alleged that Abdullah consummated his marriage immediately and his wife conceived the apostle of God. Then he left her presence and met the woman who had proposed to him. He asked her why did she did not make the proposal that she made to him the day before: to which she replied that the light that was with him the day before had left him, and she no longer had need of him. She had heard from her brother Waraqa b. Naufal, who had been a Christian and studied the scriptures, that a prophet would arise among this people.

My father Ishaq b. Yasar ( the author's father) told me that he was told that Abdullah went in to a woman that he had beside Amina d. Wahb when he had been working in a clay and the marks of the clay were on him. She put him off when he made a suggestion to her bacause of the dirt that was on him. He then left her and washed and bathed himself, and as he made his way to Amina he passed her and she invited him to come to her. He refused and went to Amina who conceived Muhammad. When he passed the woman again he asked her if she wanted anything and she said ' No! When you passed me there was a white blaze between your eyes and when I invited you you refused me and went in to Amina, and she has taken it away.'

It is alleged that that woman of his used to say that when he passed by her between his eyes there was a blaze like the blaze of a horse. She said: 'I invited him hoping that that would be in me, but he refused me and went to Amina and she conceived the apostle of God.' So the apostle of God was the noblest of his people in birth and the greatest in honour both on his father's and his mother's side.

What was said to Amina when she had conceived the apostle

It is alleged in popular stories ( and only God knows the truth) that Amina d. Wahb, the mother of God's apostle, used to say when she was pregnant with God's apostle that a voice said to her, 'You are pregnant with the lord of this people and when he is born say, "I put him in the care of the One from the evil of every envier; then call him Muhammad." ' As she was pregnant with him she saw a light come forth from her by which she could see the castles of Busra in Syria. Shortly afterwards Abdullah the apostle's father died while his mother was still pregnant.

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