Thursday, August 4, 2011

HOI summary #1

When men disobey the precepts of God, divine government is rejected and human governance unavoidably defaults towards the musings of Iblis, the preeminent Master of deception. -Omar Zaid

Although this science is diligently studied, it will be rightly confined to the governing class and the populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated... Education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they will be incapable of thinking or acting otherwise than their schoolmaster would have wished. -Bertrand Rusell

Chapter-by-Chapter Synopsis

Introduction and Overview

Humanism is introduced as nemesis, particularly to orthodox monotheist worldviews. Generic Muslim futility and fatalism are discussed in terms of reactionary behaviours induced by Occidental cults, and Muslim deviation from the sound principles of Islam is also established. The savage dismemberment of the monotheist Zeitgeist by Orwell's 'Big Brother' is presented as a subtitute for Godly governance by Occidental fascists whose 'Renaissance of Barbarism' threatens to decimate the Muslim polity with help from their own leadership. The purpose of the book is presented as an explaination that defines how this occured and who is responsible.

The New Imperialism

The struggle between the rich and poor is discussed as an ancient war reborn again as vanguard for the 'Enlightenment' - i.e. , the customary dialogue used by priests and kings that now claims to make the world 'safe for plunder/democracy'. Academic collusion is presented and the erosion of monotheism's ethical base is examined as a legacy of greed. Occidental Chauvinism is established and cults are introduced with the eugenic dreams of Talmudism married to Caucasian vanity. Thelemic magick is introduced as a tool of mass mesmerism while esoteric Christianity (i.e. Luciferianism: the ancient Gnosticism) is tied to Zionism and Freemansory with American history called to account for the Pharaonic heartlessness it is. Third world mimicry is discussed, and the fascist impetus is described as the aping of E.W. Said's Orientalist: i.e. the New World Order's Evangelical call to globalism where true monotheism has no place. The purposeful denigration of education is documented in detail as another arm of Thelemic Magick. Hegel's dialectic is observed from a purview, and vain justifications are given for present and future waves of genocidal fancy. Institutions are identified, dead men named, living institutions branded, and certification provided.

The Present Delusion

War as a 'Racket' is presented, while weaving occultists into the tradiotional corps of kleptocrats. Citations to this effect from notables are recorded and 'Assasination for Profit' is documented. This is approached from a sociological analysis while continuing the theological objection. The Twentienth's century enmeshment by exquisitely tuned propagandists is reviewed and documented introducing Christian Evangelicals in league with occultist. The collusion of Pakistani Jackals under US tutelage giving birth to terrorists and opium gangs is cited as example. The failed State of Pakistan is reviewed as an extremely sorry pseudo-Muslim capitulation to ism ideations (delusions). The Frankist influence in Europa in concert with the Rothchilds, describes the most priviledged criminals yet known to man as confirmed by the 'eminent of the eminent', whereupon the existence of the Illuminatio Cult is cleanly introduced via their testimony.

Cults of Speculation

The metaphysical impetus of Orientalism is unveiled as a sub-science of Imperialism that reinterprets religion in favor of Aryan ascendancy. The secreted association with ancient cults of human sacrifice and perversion is placed in perspective as integral to sectarian deviations from the faith of Abraham- particularly some forms of Sufism- in the service of fascist agendas. This is then presented as Ibn Khaldun's 'fictional sociology' in support of artificial solidarity anarchy simultaneously. The 'Clash of Fundamentalists' as an Imperialist mace of globalism is explored and documented, leading to justifications regarding 'Police States', sundry forms of marginalization, and neutralizations of non-compliant polities under a UN auspice dedicated to New Age gurus of ancient Mystery Religions; thus completing the eugenic thesis. The facilities for genocidal implementation are documented as are rhetorical justifications by persons of import.

Knights and Pawns of the Dialectic and Didactic

Here begins the identification of the cabal's principals and iconography with commentary that categorizes what's presented thus far as the papist call to 'Free Jerusalem' from Infidels with the aid of Muslim leadership, both witting and not. The psychology of self-deception is then explored as the surrender of reason to monism; a spiritual decadence commonly called progress. The influence of Freud as an Illuminatus is documented, and abominations associated with Satanism, the Catholic pederasty and Frankist wizardry are placed in apposition. The relationship with Nazism and mind-control espionage programs is introduced and documented, as is the prerequisite ascension of the Illuminati's control over Freemasonry. The principles of Thelemic Magick are defined in relation to the socially engineered moral decay of the West. The chapter ends with the unsung platforms of Martin Luther King Jr. and B'nai B'rith.

The Celebration of Denial

Luciferian persuasions and cults are discussed in view of the patriotic denial syndrome that histrionically upholds them. Crimes against non-Caucasians are reviewed in light of the 'National Denial Syndrome' incumbent with cultural bigotry. The psychological dissociation of group psychosis- including that of Muslims - is indelibly and shamefully described as a collective denial syndrome that support lies and cowardice.

Enmeshment: Nirvana's Delusion

The reality of enmeshed relations dissolving personal will as a device of social engineering dating to Cain's use of religion as a tool of pilferage. Its occult tradition utilizing the Jolly Roger as an icon is identified. From there the reader is guided to the continuum of these concepts in Talmud and Kabala, whereupon the author re-introduces the practice of Sexual Magick and generic immorality as crucial tools of mass mind control.

Fundamental Blindness: The New Babel

Orientalism as narcissistic evangelism is revisited as the Tower of Babel establishing the foundational zeitgeist of Western ( Euro-centric) Nations. The boundary between God and mankind is defined and compared to the Christian blasphemy which mimics the Hindu enmeshment of entities. Qualities of religious sectarians are defined in terms of idolatry and a self-styled socializations of superstitions that equate with metaphysical blindness. This leads to the presents Muslim dilemma: a corruption of doctrines and governments that play directly into the hands of Islam's cultural and spiritual enemies. The loss of free will and sane decision making processes result therefore from the establishment of institutions that are antithetical to Islam. The writer describes this as the 'natural state of disobedient' or 'dying moral force'; a polity without institutions of virtue and an estate that gives license to external/internal manupulation as outlined by J.K. Galbraith. This then confirms the metaphysical principles discussed previously and brings readers full circle to Orientalism as a natural device of plunder under Freemasonic auspice. The East-West history of occult collusion is then introduced. A discussion of Theomania ensues as the core doctrine of upper degree Freemason initiation into Fascist dogma disguised as 'divine light', after which other cults with ties to Organized Crime are examined.

The Perfect Men

Symbolism as miscreant 'abstractions' of reality subject to speculation and reduction is discussed as a device of dissimulating dialogue. Governance with this is mind is then explored, especially that of Muslims States claiming Islam but holding no aunthetic deed to this inheritance under present auspices. The 'cry for heroes' is therefore investigated metaphysically in relation to Messianic mania with a focus on Muslim sectarianism that naturally leads to hitlerism; a mania plumbed in depth. This leads to profound anti-monotheism and essentially pagan zeitgeist held in common with Tibet's Lamaism, which is then compared to the Ismai'ili monist concept of the 'Perfect Man'. This is then followed with the Ismai'ili liaison with the Knights Templar and the present 'born again' polities of theomanics who make atheists look civilized when they bang Caesar's drums. True sufism is defined in contrast to the alchemy of false Sufis like Idris Shah who shares the Freemasonic preference for the absurdities of Egyptian Mysteries. The demise and corruption of the Muslim elan is then directly correlated with this false mysticism as well as the fanaticism of the Whahabi Ikwan of Ibn Saud, which culminated in an uncelebrated Muslim-Fascist collusion with Freemasons leading to the Ottoman cum Palestinian demise. Principals are named and documented.

The Dilemma

A return to the manipulation of the khasa-amma ( rich vs poor ) dialogue is made with attention drawn to the magick of iconography and Muslim-Freemasonic enmeshment. Democracy's futility is defined and secularism's war with Islam is explored as ideations born in occult lodges.

The Purpose of Submission

The secular experiment in Malaysia is examined and contrasted with Abraham's example in order to define the boundary between success and failure as a consequence of God's grace and guidance. Malaysia wins kudos for aping the West but fails as an Islamic nation. This scathing essay explains why and is readily extrapolated for all nations under the sway of Secret Societies.

Where are the People of Mohammed?

An insightful and terse commentary on present Muslim society! The ideal social order - found only in texts or blustery proclaimations and academic propaganda - is contrasted with the reality found 'on the street' by an expatriate convert, the author. Al'Bana's Ikwan is defined as 'sincerely misguided' and the Muslims leaders are rebuked for pretentions. Traditional tyranny and misogyny is established as part of the zeitgeist and legal systems and explainations for the degeneracy is offered in terms of historical precedent - in light of previous chapters - while exploring the influence of Secret Societies that are customarily ignored. The Salafi and Whahabi movement are revealed as unwitting extensions of British influence and at the same time metaphysical laws, ethics and principles of Islam are revisited to explose generic affectations. The prevalence of Shamanism is reviewed and the polity's surrender to Secular Humanism is defined. In short this is a profound admonition regarding issues and realities that are dangerous to all

Conclusion: What To Do

The present state of war is frankly described in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic enemies of orthodox Islam and Western liberty. Proposals for severe measures to counter the assaults are offered. Unfortunately, such superlative measures obviate the pretense of dialogues now taking place and appear singularly radical which belies the impossibility of their implementation. The compromised estate of present day Islamia is described in terms that refute any claims made for an 'Islamic State' entity and clear arguments and admonitions are presented. The appendices are then introduced.


To truly understand the depth and breadth of the menace, the student should digest what follows in the appendices. Had I not done so, I doubt I could have written what precedes them with conviction. Without their appraisal, the foregoing chapters will not have the impact required to life one's soul above the morass vis-a-vis a virtuous outrage of the highest degree! What follows is as gestalt a documented history as can be had in such a small volume. I have carefully selected the contents so as to provide a detailed account that encapsulates the most important figures and events from the many pens of those with bona fide comprehension of these cults. Unfortunately, the Jewish saga is onerous to say the least, but it most be told and understood in perspective with the knowledge recorded herein. Their intent, from ancient times, is now broadcast daily with the hue and cry of Palestinians who've been told been just as sorely treated by their 'Muslims Brothers'. Nevertheless, once you've digested what follows, you will pity the common Jewish people who are as much a victim as anyone else. The reader will come to realize that Zionist leaders - many of whom are not Judaic Jews at all - care not a zarrah for israel. For them, Israel is a shill and the Temple Mount little more that Caesar's Throne from whence they can dominate and pilfer the globe with sacerdotal impunity; something these elite of the elite have in common with the Papacy! The only significant absence is the Jesuit chronicle, though references are made. For this 'most major' of the several occult menaces cited, I suggest readers choose their own garnish from the references cited, as there's little cause to re-write what others have so arduously recorded.

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